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Dear CHATters,

November is #pilgrimCHAT.

Together, we will explore “Movement” as a topic and although the event is virtual, we don’t want you to stay at home in front of the TV or laptop screen for hours on end. The program is spread over the whole month, with shorter live events and other static content for you to discover day-by-day in a metaphorical pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela during this Holy year (Xacobeo). We would have loved to have been able to offer the chance to walk the Camino before an in-person CHAT meeting, but sadly due to the pandemic that couldn’t happen. However, you can still walk during Pilgrim CHAT — in your own surroundings or beyond, alone or with others, taking the time to reflect on the wonderful sessions you’ve attended or perhaps simply listening to music or chatting with someone. Indeed, some of the proposals involve walking, but why stop there?

We propose #walk4CHAT as a transversal outdoors activity that you can easily take part in. To take part just go outside and walk. If your smartphone has a pedometer use that to record your distance walked over the month or use any other kind of device that will record your walking distances. At the end of the month, we’ll collect all the #walk4CHAT data and see how far (together) we managed to travel… Will we be able to finish the full Camino? Maybe we can reach China! Oh, and there will be prizes!

So don’t forget to register and let’s prepare our virtual walking boots for a wonderful pilgrimage to the holy grounds of contemporary and historical archaeology in theory (and in practice!).

Other hashtags you can follow for #pilgrimCHAT walking events:

#PilgrimDrift (from Sonia Overall’s #DistanceDrift on November 21)

#CHATontheroad (from Oscar Aldred’s “Does the road go on?” on November 24)